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About Steve

​Steve has been with the business forever. He originally got into the fragrance industry when in 2004 Sanjay owned Perfume Point and there was only 4 stores. He subsequently rejoined Sanjay when he purchased the Fragrance Shop and Steve has overseen the store estate from 4 to over 215. Steve is in his element when he is out and about in stores and loves meeting store teams. It's the performance of the teams and the excellent service that makes Steve the most proud.

Over the next year, Steve is getting excited about introducing a new flagship store on Oxford Street, London and truly establishing TFS as First for Fragrance.

Fascinating fact - Steve is one of the first people to survive the first SooperDooperLooper loop rollercoaster at Hershey Park Pennsylvania – and got the t-shirt!                                                                                                                              

Contact Steve